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You are manufacturing very good products and selling them successfully on your home market?


You would like to boost your export but you want to do it without high investments?


We offer you a possibility to use our European sales channels in order to immediately present your offer to carefully selected retailers and wholesalers.


Our sales process consists of:

- learning about your business operations, product range,

  commercial strategy

- assessing competitive environment in desired export countries

- proposing export sales strategy, basing on your relative

  advantages and possibilities to reach high volumes and margin

- proactive selling your products on the European markets

- collecting feedback  

- constantly improving the export sales strategy.


Where do our clients operate?


The shortest answer is: in Europe. We have been actively selling different goods in numerous countries. However our stronghold lies in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe (CEE & SEE). We mean by that Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Albania and Greece. 


Directly or throughout our network of distributors and wholesalers you can find products of our partner producers both on the traditional market and in retail chains. But this is not important. Important is, where we will sell your product!



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